British Cooper Undretti Mario, aka Maggy, wins Youth CAC, Best Youth Dog and Reserve Best Bitch in Show at the 50th Anniversary Dutch Border Terrier Club Match / by Jan Willem

At this special Clubmatch from the NBTC 2021, British Cooper Undretti Mario wins Youth CAC, and Best Youth Dog 2021.

British Cooper Undretti Mario also became Reserve Best Bitch in Show, under judge Mrs. F. Zijdenbos-Jansen.

Maggy is out of Ch. Conundrum Dino British Cooper and British Cooper Niki Lauda NJK’18.

Special congratulations to her litter sisters British Cooper Utley Richard, aka Coosje, and British Cooper Ulmen Toni, aka Lizzy, who were placed second and third in Youth Class.

British Cooper Undretti Mario with her owner Lilian Kommerkamp