International Dogshow Rotterdam by Jan Willem

Brother and Sister British Cooper Katayama Takazumi and British Cooper Keith Greene both won their classes with 1 Exc. And Youth CAC!

Thanks to judge P.Heikkinen-Lehkonen (FI) 

(Conundrum Dino Cooper BW14 BJW14 X Ned & Int.CH.British Cooper Emerson Fittipaldi NJK13 EJS13)

International Dog Show Dortmund, Germany by Jan Willem

The International Dogshow weekend Dortmund Germany was great!

Our lovely boy Conundrum Dino British Cooper BJW14 BW14 was placed 1Excellent both days. We came home with 3 VDH points 2 Res. CAC and 2 CACIB. Judge Mr.Dan Ericsson

Sorry for the judges mixup the first day and him refusing to correct it Redrobs Alice Cooper   (CH.British Cooper Ayrton Da Silva X CH.New Rose from Solway) and his breeder Ruth Krainer, your boy looks super, sure he wil make it to Champion. 

And finally Our little lovely girl British Cooper Healey Austin NJK15 JW15 Winster15 made us smile as always! Healey was placed Exc.2 on the first day (Judge H.Kliebenstein)!  Exc.1 on the second day won CAC/CACIB so she came home with 2 VDH points, CAC, CACIB and the titel Fruhjahrssieger 2016. judge Mr. Dan Ericsson

Healey (CH.Dandyhow Figaro At Glebeheath X CH.British Cooper Ciuseppe Farina) finished her International points today, in 3 different countries being only 22 months old, shown abroad only a few, so waiting for her to be 27 months to finish. We can't wait!

Thank you German Border friends, we enjoyed our weekend together. 

Photo by Dawn Bladen. 

Healey placed 3rd best Yearling Bitch at Crufts 2016 by Jan Willem

Our Healey (British Cooper Healey Austin NJK15 JW15 W15) entered a huge Yearling bitch class at Crufts this year. 
She made our day by being selected and ending up in the cards, placed 3rd. 

(CH.Dandyhow Figaro At Glebeheath X CH.British Cooper Ciuseppe Farina NJK11 BJW11)

Judge Mr.R.Irving
Photos by Dawn Bladen

Conundrum Dino British Cooper BJW14 BW14 at the Top Dog Show Netherlands 2015! by Jan Willem

It made us very proud to have been invited for the Top Dog Show 2015 for the 5th time in a row with our 3rd Terrier Group Winner; our Canadian boy Dino.

Out of all the Best Terriers Dino was selected into the 6 Best Terriers of the Netherlands in 2015!

We would like to thank his breeder Mrs. Jane Parker for this wonderful dog and Breed Specialist Mr. Theo vd Horst and Terrier Specialist Mrs. Joke Bode vd Meeberg for thinking so highly about our boy!

British Cooper Healey Austin NJK'15 wins Best Youth Dog Herbst Sieger '15 by Jan Willem

Today at International Dogshow Dortmund British Cooper Healey Austin NJK'15
Healey won Youth CC VDH Youth CC KFT and Best Youth Dog Herbst Jugend Sieger 2015! 

Pictured with 2 days BOB brother Tore aka British Cooper Hulkenberg Nico Duits VDH Jugend CH. Bundes Jugend Sieger 15. 
(CH.Dandyhow Figaro At Glebeheath X CH.British Cooper Ciuseppe Farina NJK11 BJW11)

Judge Mrs. Moller-Sieber. Handler Kristen Muller. Photo by Andrea Gable

British Cooper Hulkenberg Nico wins Bundes Jugend Sieger '15, Herbst Sieger '15 and BOB over 2 days in Dortmund! by Jan Willem

Yesterday British Cooper Hulkenberg Nico (Tore) wins at the Bundes Sieger Ausstellung 2015 the following titles: Bundes Jugend Champion JCAC, JKFT Best Youth Dog,  BOB and a Crufts Qualification!

Today at the International Dog Show 2015 in Dortmund Tore won in the Intermediate class CAC CACIB and once more a BOB. 

Owner: Johanna Jaacks Hobbits Border Terriers. Handler: Kristina Muller. Photos by Andrea Gabler.